Orange Mobile App

Pay for electricity, set up Orange devices, manage payments, track energy costs - and more

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Right iso view mockup of Orange's home screen of the mobile for a tenant looking to see their data or start a new charge session.

Accessible EV Charging

The future of transportation is electric!

We help Multi-Family properties prepare for this future by providing affordable, scalable and seamless solutions. Orange Charger’s platform makes managing charging effortless.

And we are just getting started...

left iso smartphone mockup showing orange's mobile app charging screen with charge data and other information. Plus the switch button to end a charge session remotely.

Real Time
Charge Session Data

With our mobile app, you can monitor how much you are paying for electricity, and remotely end a charging session with a simple swipe of the screen.

The app allows you to start, manage, and track each session and you can generate reports, track spending, and charging to take advantage of lower energy prices, saving you even more!

right iso smartphone mockup showing charge session details.

Payment Platform

We are the only charging solution that uses real-time retail energy prices* to track your energy consumption correctly.

Properties have a bad habit of setting fictitious fixed prices - we protect you from this with dynamic pricing models based on actual electricity costs.

*We obtain pricing data from most major energy companies on the West Coast, and are working on adding more as we expand our utility pricing coverage. In places where the regulatory environment does not allow us to do so, we use prices which match actual energy cost.

Two iso smartphone mockups, one showing the cost page and graph in green and one  showing energy usage in blue.

Complete Transparency

Our mobile app stores three years worth of charge session data and monthly statements. Making it easy to see how much you spend on electricity each day, month, and even year.

The Electric Mobility Future Awaits

Many states are banning gas cars by 2030, meaning more people will be looking for easy affordable solutions to

Large thumbs up, with a banner saying easy to use.

Easy to Use Access

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Two people on mobile devices with lines showing the transfer of money between them.

Seamless Payments

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Person looking at iphone screen that is double their height that has a credit card symbol on it depicting payment security.

Data Security

As a payment platform we use the best methods to secure your information and make sure you own your data.

Two mockup phonce screens, one showing the properties list and the other showing a detailed view of a open property with devices listed.

Management Simplified

Many multi-family properties are owned by investors, and managed by property managers who do not want to spend time and money managing a charging network.

Orange’s software automates the handling of energy costs so property managers can manage users, grant employee access, generate reports, and track expenses - all from a smartphone.

left iso phone mockup of a screen showing the payment page of charge session data.

Properties get Reimbursed Monthly

We calculate the total energy consumed by your Orange Network on a monthly basis, billing drivers according to usage. We then automatically initiate a Bank transfer for the total cost of electricity used across your properties.

Employee time is valuable, and should be treated accordingly. We read energy meters, track month-to-month energy usage, and estimate electricity consumption - all without the use of staff.

We save you money by automating charging and making sure you get money back.

Contact us to get your Orange Network Started

Picture of a tesla driver charging  while looking at the Orange app in their hand that shows charge history data.

🍊 Contact form

Fill out the form to get in touch with one of
Orange's electric vehicle experts.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
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Thank you for your interest in EV Charging. Orange will follow up shortly.
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